California Strip Poker 1.17 released
California Strip Poker » Devlog

California Strip Poker 1.17 is available for download, with some new finales for your enjoyment.
- New finale for Rosie at the inn
- New finale for Denise & Vivian at the beach
- New finale for Sandra in the lounge
- New finale for Leah in the bedroom
- Added a new pose for Leah in the bedroom
- Fixed the moan filters for some of the existing finales
- Added a new finaleReact voice line type, and matching voice lines for all core players
- Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause the audio manager to hang
California Strip Poker 1.6 GB
Aug 28, 2024
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California Strip Poker
A sexy game of strip poker.
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Oh, and Windows is reporting a security error on the CSP page. Says that the site has a valid security cert but parts are not secure.
Updated Edge and the problem seems to have cleared itself
That's what you get for using Edge. :-P
Got a question/idea on the two new voice line tags. So, this doesn't apply to the majority of opponents, but it does apply to Maid Denise and a few of the ladies in the dungeon. The ReactFinale and ReactFinale_talk_to_ lines are generic for a finale when there is more than one finale. So, In Maid Denise's case, the lines will trigger no matter which finale has been selected. Is there are easy way to identify individual finales in the case of multiple options? And thus give the ability to write specific voice lines for the ReactFinale pair so they would only apply to a particular finale? So, In Maid Denise's case, there might be talk_to lines that tease her about where she's actually using the duster, or in the dungeon, whether it's Velma or Daphne being molested by Lord Octo. I know, it's a very limited issues as there aren't many multiple finales, so not high on any priority list.
Now, if only on beach Leah and Rosie/Crystal finales could be displayed at the same time in composites. Does not seem to be an issue with an art, but with the decision logic for composites that is in the game.
Also, does it make sense to show default secondary naked composites for characters using finales that are blocked from showing due to other characters using their space at higher priority (like another finale)? Currently, it just makes them completely disappear from the composite view (while if you turn of their finale, they show).
That one seems reasonably fixable. Though that logic is super prickly at this point so I'm not going to make any promises.
Definitely can't make that one work. They're in the same spot so game logic-wise that's a blocker, and the art also isn't compatible: Leah's beach chair is in a different position for each finale (pushed out to the right and mostly off-screen for Rosie&Crystal).
Thanks for the update!
Good job. Just downloaded it! Yay... more voice files!