California Strip Poker 0.13: new outfit for Denise!

It's Labor Day weekend, and Denise just showed up at the beach in her new swimsuit. 

No new features in this release, but Denise also got a few extra images of her drinking water in her purple dress at the lounge.

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Been playing this on and off since I heard about it, reminds me of an old strip poker game in the day called Mick's Strip Poker, I think. Still, its simple and it works! I think it kind of needs some kind of dialogue interface or something though, since even though it has the vital component of the player actually being a player in the game, it otherwise just feels like an image collection since none of the characters really interact.

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I was a big fan of the Artworx Strip Poker games back in the days.  

Adding some audio for the ladies is on the roadmap, which I think will help with that a lot.  I really want the ladies' different personalities to come though more, too.  

Ah I remember that one as well.

I can agree with that, since right now it feels kind of lifeless? The art used is pretty good, and there is some expressions there, but since nothing reacts to how the game is going, it just feels kind of still.