California Strip Poker 0.17 is here!

California Strip Poker 0.17 is now available, with one Big New Feature, a batch of extra images and lots of bug fixes.

The Big New Feature:  Streamlined game mode!

Streamlined game mode skips all the money-betting and gets right to the business of stripping. 

  • Player with the worst hand at the end of the round loses an article of clothing
  • Player with the best hand gets $50 to spend on cheats. 
  • Folding costs an article of clothing, but also gets all the money.


  • "Classic" mode is still available via the menus
  • The ladies AIs haven't been completely optimized to play well in this mode, so enjoy the easy wins while you can
  • The ladies do know how to use their winnings to cheat a bit. (but only buy extra redraws, for now)
  • The costs and power of most of the cheats still need tweaking in this new game mode.
  • Saved games will be resumed in whichever mode they were started in
  • You only have 3 clothes, so make them count!


After playing the game a lot I realized that poker as we know it doesn't combine that well with stripping and computer AIs. It just devolves into folding a bunch, endless back-and-forths, and then huge wins where everyone loses clothes, sometimes more than one.  It's just not a good rhythm, most hands take a long time and don't matter, and the suspense isn't really there.  And playing mind games with a robotic AI is just not that stimulating, even a good one.

So I came up with something a bit faster, where each hand matters, because someone will lose an article of clothing each time. Now you have to actively be worried about it not being you, and excited to see who's skirt might be coming off next.  There is still a reason to chase a big winning hand, and all the cheating options bring back a bit of the lost complexity, but without the delays.  And finally the option to fold gives even terrible hands a strategic gambit option.

This is still a new concept, so any feedback or ideas to further improve this are appreciated.   

New images:

  • Denise's maid outfit has a bunch of new images of her holding cards, and some hot laying and up-skirt poses
  • Sandra's lounge outfit has a bunch of new images as well, including more composites and some undressing images.

Bug fixes / small improvements:

  • Fixed an exception when restarting the game mid-play
  • Added a toggle to the resolution menu to show which resolution is used.
  • Disabling the bait/bluff/redraw/drinks cheat-buttons if funds are not available
  • Disabling the redraw cheat-button if no cards are selected to redraw
  • Denise's maid outfit and Sandra's witch outfit now require beating one of their other outfits first to unlock
  • Denise's purple dress outfit "shoes and stockings" shortened to "stockings" to prevent long messages that stick out of their box.
  • Added some color/highlights to the message panels to call out the more important messages.

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This is a very nice update! I don't think "Streamlined" is the best name though, as I'd consider that one more proper "Strip" Poker, and the original game a more of like, "Casino"-style Strip Poker? Just my two cents.

That being said, with the "Streamlined" version, I do think the game is showing a bit of lacking in other content. For an example, I'd say look at Strip Poker Night at the Inventory - it basically is just the Streamlined version, but due to a wide variety of dialogue between the opponents and the (silent) player, it adds a lot of replayability and makes it interesting to win or lose.

Though that game also has a "forfeit" only after losing once naked, which could perhaps extend the Streamlined version.


Night at the Inventory has barely any strategy: you pick your cards and hope for the best. It's amazing how much fun it is in spite of that though.  

  • The constant chatter from the girls is definitely a big part of it, which is a magic I'm hoping to capture by adding some voice acting eventually. It'll be nice to be able to give the ladies more personality or even backstories.   
  • They also have those fun stripping animations, which I sort of had with the "pawned clothes" images in classic mode. I'll be bringing those back to streamlined mode soon.
  • I can't compete with that absolutely epic lineup any time soon.  And if I could, the download size would get ridiculous. But if anyone wants to help out by adding some opponents, I definitely wouldn't mind!
  • The "finales" are also on my roadmap, and a popular request in the comments section
  • Not sure about that forfeit feature, but if the game winds up being too hard for some players, I'll have to come up with something. I guess watching the game continue to play out until there is only 1 lady standing, and no unlocks or finales, might be a decent compromise.

I'm not sure if it would look good or not, but for now you could try using text in the game as an idea of placeholder dialogue. Although I'm not sure the best way to display it, since the text by the left side with the draws, calls, etc. might be a bit too small, or scroll by too quick to be readable for some.

And I also agree about it being enjoyable immensely despite how simple it is. It just focuses on the 'strip' part of strip poker, but all those things you list really help it being replayable. The problem as you mentioned in the update, when money gets involved while there is more strategy, the AI is always a bit iffy on it. You can end up in long bouts of minimal progress because the AI is too cautious, and it just drags on and on. Too flip-floppy. Reminds me of Valkyrie's Hentai Strip Poker, or something like that, back in the day. Could never win, the AI is just too cautious and will only ever bet high when they have pretty much ensured wins.

I forgot to update the latest csp.jar file in the initial 0.17 release.  If you start the game via  CSP.exe it won't matter, but if you start the game from the csp.jar file, you'll want to grab the fixed release labeled 0.17.2